We live in a world that at times can be very dark and overwhelming. On this page we would like to share with you some beautiful, uplifting stories that inspire us and help us to put the content in our books that you love!
The Conversion of Shia LaBeouf
Recently there have been a number of conversions to Catholicism among the rich and famous. Miracles like these have a special place in our hearts because Charity Versus Tyranny features this same kind of thing.
In recent months we have found out that some other people are very much into praying for the conversion of different celebrities ranging from politicians to actors to football players. They even go to the extent of writing the names of their favorite celebs on pieces of paper that they put in their missals. And let me tell you, they never give up! They pray for the same people year after year after year even when things look hopeless.
But, devout prayer from the heart is not to be underestimated as I have been learning recently. Eventually it does pay off; and I have an example I would love to share with you all.
Back in the early 2000’s, a movie about golf called The Greatest Game Ever Played was released. Now it just so happened that this person that I know, got entranced by Shia LaBeouf’s (the lead actor’s) performance. His role and his acting grabbed her attention so much that she wrote his name down and put it in her missal. Out of the different celebrities she was praying for, he was one of her favorites.
However, she was not aware of just how long and hard this was going to be, because year after year went by, and each time she heard news of him, it was nearly always bad. It seemed that he was getting worse the more she was praying for him. However, she never gave up, even when things seemed pretty hopeless.
In the end, she had to wait for her prayer to be answered for almost an entire generation! Think of that!! She’s tougher than me. There’s a certain conversion that I have been hoping and praying for since 2018, so I’ve only been waiting seven years. And boy, it’s been a long seven years. That isn’t half as long as she had to wait though!
Then finally, a few years ago, Divine Providence stepped in. Shia LaBeouf got the lead role in a film about Padre Pio. Now probably some of you know what happened after that, but in case you don’t, I’ll tell you. Now for this actor, in preparation for a role, he likes to immerse himself in the character and story, so for this film he went to a Franciscan monastery in Italy. It was there that he began to change. The monks really impressed him with their genuine kindness and were able to teach him things about God and the Catholic Faith that he had never known before.
Another thing that really helped him was his introduction to the Traditional Latin Mass. He was very impressed with the reverence and beauty of it, and how God-centered it was.
Due to all of these things, plus of course, the grace of God, he converted and is now a devout Catholic who loves the Traditional Latin Mass.
Moral of the story: Even if it looks hopeless, don’t stop praying for your favorite actor or celebrity. God will come to his rescue in His good time.
Disclaimer: Even though it was because of training for the Padre Pio movie that Shia LaBeouf converted, we do not recommend the movie because of some very very bad language, and some nudity. However, in spite of this film being disappointing, we are still overjoyed that God used it to bring about the genuine conversion of a famous and popular actor.
-Therese Marsh
In recent months we have found out that some other people are very much into praying for the conversion of different celebrities ranging from politicians to actors to football players. They even go to the extent of writing the names of their favorite celebs on pieces of paper that they put in their missals. And let me tell you, they never give up! They pray for the same people year after year after year even when things look hopeless.
But, devout prayer from the heart is not to be underestimated as I have been learning recently. Eventually it does pay off; and I have an example I would love to share with you all.
Back in the early 2000’s, a movie about golf called The Greatest Game Ever Played was released. Now it just so happened that this person that I know, got entranced by Shia LaBeouf’s (the lead actor’s) performance. His role and his acting grabbed her attention so much that she wrote his name down and put it in her missal. Out of the different celebrities she was praying for, he was one of her favorites.
However, she was not aware of just how long and hard this was going to be, because year after year went by, and each time she heard news of him, it was nearly always bad. It seemed that he was getting worse the more she was praying for him. However, she never gave up, even when things seemed pretty hopeless.
In the end, she had to wait for her prayer to be answered for almost an entire generation! Think of that!! She’s tougher than me. There’s a certain conversion that I have been hoping and praying for since 2018, so I’ve only been waiting seven years. And boy, it’s been a long seven years. That isn’t half as long as she had to wait though!
Then finally, a few years ago, Divine Providence stepped in. Shia LaBeouf got the lead role in a film about Padre Pio. Now probably some of you know what happened after that, but in case you don’t, I’ll tell you. Now for this actor, in preparation for a role, he likes to immerse himself in the character and story, so for this film he went to a Franciscan monastery in Italy. It was there that he began to change. The monks really impressed him with their genuine kindness and were able to teach him things about God and the Catholic Faith that he had never known before.
Another thing that really helped him was his introduction to the Traditional Latin Mass. He was very impressed with the reverence and beauty of it, and how God-centered it was.
Due to all of these things, plus of course, the grace of God, he converted and is now a devout Catholic who loves the Traditional Latin Mass.
Moral of the story: Even if it looks hopeless, don’t stop praying for your favorite actor or celebrity. God will come to his rescue in His good time.
Disclaimer: Even though it was because of training for the Padre Pio movie that Shia LaBeouf converted, we do not recommend the movie because of some very very bad language, and some nudity. However, in spite of this film being disappointing, we are still overjoyed that God used it to bring about the genuine conversion of a famous and popular actor.
-Therese Marsh
Here's Shia LaBeouf's interview with Bishop Barron which provided some of the information in the article above.